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PO Box 2158,

Brookside Centre Qld 4053

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Iscariot Media’s approach to projects is informed by our company vision of: Walking Together: Place, Create and Leave a Legacy. Our methodology has grown from decades of practice and is framed by our Indigenous worldview. It is positioned in relationality and grounded in place.

What we do

Our services

Our methodology


Place is where we begin. With place, we review past and current research ideas and products, we engage with existing stakeholders, we understand the status quo, working closely with stakeholders in local, regional and statewide contexts to identify the needs of the project and clarify the key messages to be strengthened and communicated.


Create sees the project begin to develop project developer infrastructure and begin implementation. Create builds upon our team’s diverse backgrounds and multidisciplinary tertiary skills - across education, design, social psychology, health and technology.

Leave a Legacy.

Leave a Legacy is our commitment. Through the project we will identify opportunities to build capacity for the creative sector, stakeholders and community to thrive beyond projects.

Our Projects

let's talk

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