Over the last few years, Facebook has come to realise that its engine, while clear to some can be a challenge for many small businesses to make the most of the opportunity of Facebook. They understood that training and support was needed, but instead of just employing an army of internal Facebookers, it decided instead to engage specialised trainers from ‘the real world’; small business owners themselves, skill them up, and support them to train in the community.

In 2019, eight Facebook Community Trainers across Australia and New Zealand were identified, and since then have been working across the two countries to help deliver Facebook Community Boost programs.

IM’s Leesa is one of the eight trainers and has delivered training in Sydney at Supply Nation’s Connect and across Western Australia in partnership with the Western Australian Small Business Development Corporation.

The Facebook Community Boost program provides training across a number of modules including advertising, Instagram, Facebook pages, online marketing, and much more.

The free training will continue in 2020 across Australia in partnership with a range of community and small business partners.

Awesome Works
Awesome Works

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