In addition to checking your fire alarms, we’re declaring the 1st of April to be the (unofficial) Digital Profiles Update (DPU) Day. Why? Because things change – are you still working at the job? have you just finished a deadly project? do you still look like that? have you just completed a course? is that description still the best way to describe your business? It’s easy to forget to update all your information across all the profiles you may have.
The other reason why you would regularly check your profiles is that social media platforms will change layouts and sizes – so you need to make sure your images still fit.
Whether your an independant entrepreneur, or an intrapreneur, updating your profiles every six months, means your customers and your current and future employers, will have the most up-to-date information about you.
Some of the profiles you should be update regularly:
Personal Accounts
- Twitter profile
- About Me profile
- LinkedIn profile
- Facebook Profile – About Section
- Slideshare
Business Accounts
- Twitter profile
- Facebook page – About – Page Information, Descriptions Awards, Products, Website, etc
- Website About Page
- Slideshare
- Local Chamber of Commerce Member pages
- Directory Listings – True Local,
- Google Maps
- Foursquare
- For Indigenous businesses – Black Business Finder (Qld), Indigenous Chambers of Commerce, Supply Nation Directory
- Google Scholar
- Academia.Edu
Have I missed any places where your business is listed?