In some quarters I’ve accidentally fallen into the role of a bit of a social media expert. I’m not sure how it happened. I guess it’s because I’ve been learning and doing – creating, responding, and talkin’ it up – for four years now. I’ve been an off-the-wall (ie. via email) guide/advisor to many people who are now kickin’ it in social media and online spaces.
So people think I have a clue. It’s all very humbling and a little scary, but those who know me know that I’m always up for getting out of the comfort zone.
I’ve had in my mind the “WhichWay for Business”. I bought the domain a few years ago and have been thinking about what shape it will take. And over the past few months, I’ve been thinking that simple, straightforward, Murri-speak social media / social web e-courses is the way to go.
In the next month or so I’ll be running some face to face workshops for the Kuril Dhagun mob at The Edge at State Library of Queensland as well as the South East Queensland Indigenous Chamber of Commerce.
Both series of workshops will be similar, however the SLQ workshops will also include tools that mob can use to record and share their family histories, while the SEQICC workshops will be focused on Personal/Professional branding, business focus and publishing.
At Iscariot Media, our focus on always been on ways to show mob how to access, store, and share information and knowledge, as well as how to share knowledge and ideas. That’s how Deadly Bloggers was born.
It will be a very exciting time for Iscariot Media. We will start building the website within the month and begin trialling materials over the next few months.
We’ll keep you posted.
Cheers, Leesa
“WhichWay” in Murri-speak means knowledge, smarts, feeling good or right the way. It can also be used as a greeting to acknowledge how another person is feeling.